
Journey with the wild.


Global Wild Life Conservation





Project Brief

Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC) was looking to create an interactive website and mobile app to drive traffic and engagement with Rewilding projects. In order to promote biodiversity and build community, ROSE collaboratively imagined innovative ways to drive engagement and create an online forum for people to engage with each other. Through creative technology GWC can continue to build upon their efforts and continue working towards a greener tomorrow.

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Our Team

I was the UX designer in a UX team of 3. (UX Lead, UX designer, Senior UI designer) Since this is a big project, we also work with our PMs, Dev Team and QA Team.

During this project, I worked with the UX lead for stakeholder interviews, research and analysis, IA and UX. I worked with the senior UI designer to create the UI and update the UI/UX. I was in charge of writing functional specifications for the client and devs. I also walked the client through the major flows of the website, presented research and design updates on a regular basis.

project timeline & key points

Phase 1

This was a massive project for the Rose team. The design team had around 12 weeks of time for phase 1 and phase 2.

The Design

The Re:wild thesis is supported by 3 big pillars which are wildlife, wildland and guardians. Each pillar has its own projects. All projects between these three pillars connect to each other. These projects might share the same location, or have the same endanger species. This information will display on each project detail page, allowing users to navigate between them through related project sections.

The act:now page

Act:now page is the most important page out of the entire website. On this page, users can find projects that are in need of the most help at the moment, different ways to join the rewild movement and the donation flow.

Re:wild Red Alerts informs its users of projects that are in need of the most help at the moment.

Click here to activate the donation flow

Users can share their actions at the end of the donation steps.

Re:wild toolkits provides detailed actionable items that our users can follow along with to join the re:wild movement.

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Key Flows to get to Act:now page

Other than navigating to the act:now page by using the top navigation bar, users can get to the act:now page through the project pages. This flow allows users to gain more knowledge about the Re:wild projects and the movement. During this process, we design to help audiences to understand that Re:wild is a global organization, and all the Re:wild projects are apart of supporting steps of the Re:wild’s main thesis.

Clicking here will directly navigate our users to the act:now page. The act:now button here serves as an option to skip the currently viewed information and stories.

The Key Flow

For this flow, our users will land on the homepage and navigate through the project detail pages to get to the Act:now page.

Re:wild home Page

The interactive map showcases Re:wild’s global influence. At the sametime, this map serves as a portal to get to the project detail pages.

The news section in the landing pages allows our users to dive into the most recent news about Re:wild's movement around the world.

Project Detail page

The project detail pages are where we need to provide information for both its emotional based and scientific based audience.

Here we use stories and visuals to influence the emotional based audience. At the sametime, we are providing the most accurate stats and appropriate scientific explanation concerning the project.

The donate button on the page allows user to donate to a specific project.

The Wild Facts module explains interesting facts about a species

This section allow our users to look into other species and wildlands which are related to the current project.

The Solution section lists out solutions to the current project. Different projects have different combinations of solution to deal with different situations.

The Re:wild provides a list of solutions in order to push their movement forward. Our users can click 'learn more' to dig into the details and scientific explanations of a solution.

The impact metrics provides the most current status of a species. The data is updated periodically by the client to ensure that the stats are as accurate as possible.

The flow provided above is the most commonly used approach to guide users to the act:now page from the home page. This approach is enacted by searching Re:wild directly through a search engine, or navigating to the Re:wild page through a social media handle.

Other Flows

The client informed us, almost every user which goes to the Re:wild website are from a variety of social media platforms. Users will land on Re:wild's news/blog or their stand alone act:now page. Since these pages have higher chances of leading users to the act:now page, we added an act:now section to these pages. This was done to increase the traffic of the act:now page.

News/Blog page

Act:now stand alone page

The Act:now section is designed specifically to stand out more in order to bring users straight to the act:now page.

Modular Design

For this project, we use modular design to ensure all components can be easily transitioned to the dev side. At the sametime, modular design allows our client to update their content straight from the CMS, giving them the flexibility to reflect their content strategy on to their website.

Project Result

The design team recently wrapped up phase one of the project. While the project is being developed by our dev team, the staging site has already been approved by the GWC leaderboard. Phase one of the Re:wild website will launch by May. Due to our success on phase one, we will be continuing our work with GWC on phase two and we are already discussing phase three in to our conversations.

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